Thanks for attending and supporting the Eastside Budget Engagement Event at Kennedy Elementary School

Alder Madison Poster

Hello neighbors,

Many thanks to everyone who attended (and planned to attend) the Eastside Budget Engagement Event at Kennedy Elementary School. It was also great to see Kate P., Sandburg Neighborhood Association president in attendance. The conversations were great and it’s always good to be in community with residents who care so much about the future of our City.

Many thanks also to each staff member across several areas of the City for helping to ensure the event was a success. From providing their input to serving as table leads, their involvement was greatly appreciated.

Many thanks to the City's Finance Department and Director David Schmiedicke for their work on creating materials, presenting the budget info and answering questions. 

Many thanks to our dedicated Common Council staff for planning and executing the Council’s want to engage our constituents in the budget process earlier this year.  They especially were able to take feedback from myself, and Alders Currie, Field, and Martinez-Rutherford to create an engaging event.

Please note that Common Council office staff will transcribe all of the notes and questions gathered from the event and report them out to Alders so that each of us has your feedback to consider during the budget process.

If you weren’t able to attend but would still like to participate in an upcoming budget engagement event please take note of these upcoming dates.

If you would like to share any feedback about your experience at the event, please send an email to

Thanks again for engaging with us,

Alder Madison


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Alder Sabrina Madison

Alder Sabrina V. Madison

District 17
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